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Experimentation with Results

Session 5 of Fall Technical Conference 2024.

Tuesday, October 8

12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.

Milan Ballroom

Session details coming soon.

About This Session

Meet the team behind the conference print project as they discuss its components and the tools used for proofing and production.

Presentations & Speakers

headshot Mark Mazur

An Introduction to Experimental Design

Mark Mazur, FTA Hall of Fame Member

Presentation Details
Speaker Bio

About This Presentation: A properly designed experiment will save both time and money. Clearly outlining how data will be obtained and analyzed in crucial to any manufacturing process.

Join Mark for an introduction to the science of Experimental design (DOE). It will provide participants a brief background as to why DOE important and how it can enable them to improve their manufacturing.

About Mark: Mark R. Mazur received a BS in chemistry from the State University of New York at Albany in 1978, a Ph. D. in Physical Organic Chemistry from Yale University in 1982 and an MBA from Rutgers University in 1987. Mark worked for DuPont for 32 years. During his career at DuPont, he had a variety of assignments, including product management, proofing, electroless plating, solid modeling and business analysis. Mark is a frequent speaker at industry events. In 2002 he received the FTA President’s award, was co-chair of FORUM 2008 in Dallas, served as chair of the FIRST Committee, participated in the Excellence in Flexography Awards Competition and was the 2009 FTA Hall of Fame Inductee.

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A Brief Overview of Statistics

Mark Samworth, Samworth Color Consulting

Presentation Details
Speaker Bio

About This Presentation: Mark recalls a friend stating “I never use statistics” as they proceeded to take multiple measurements from a press sheet. Upon taking their second measurement, their statement was incorrect. Once you measure/use more than a single measurement for anything, you have entered the world of statistics. Statistics is the set of tools that gives you the best chance to extract the truth from numerical data.

Science papers inundate us with terms like “mean,” “standard deviation,” “regression,” “correlation,” “statistical significance” and more. What do these terms mean and how can they help us to find the truth? Perhaps more importantly, can we learn about these tools without falling asleep half way through the lecture? Mark aims to provide a brief overview of statistics for everyday people in the flexo industry.

About Mark: Mark began his career with DuPont, where he held numerous positions in the areas of flexographic plates and electronic imaging. He joined Esko in 1997 and worked in numerous roles related to the development, marketing, and industry support of flexographic color and imaging products. He holds 11 patents in digital imaging—including FlexoCal, Hybrid Screening, Plate Cell Patterning, Concentric Screening, PressSync, and Equinox Expanded Color Gamut (ECG) technology.

Mark has authored numerous articles in the industry’s major trade publications and presented many papers at the industry’s major trade forums. He’s been voted “best speaker” at many FTA events. In May of 2011, at the age of 49, Mark was inducted as the 49th member of the FTA Hall of Fame.

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2-D Bar Code Verification DOE

Bill Pope, Professor of Practice at Rochester Institute of Technology

Dina Vees, Associate Professor at California Polytechnic State University

Presentation Details
Speaker Bios

About This Presentation: See more. Learn more. Do more. Domino will present on their latest innovations in digital printing, and how digital is deployed alongside flexographic production as the perfect complement, whether that be a digital press as a separate stand-alone system next to your flexographic press, or inline as a single-pass flexography/digital hybrid. Learn how you can do more with Domino.

About Sarah: Sarah Ervin, digital solutions specialist for Domino North America, supports Domino customers and team members with workflow analysis, color management and application support in the digital label market. With experience from both the production side and application support from the manufacturer perspective, applying the concepts of the technical color management space in real-world scenarios has been a particular point of expertise. Working alongside a global team of specialists in the growing market of digital printing has given plenty of opportunities for continued learning and understanding of the industry as a whole.