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Fall Technical Conference, at your fingertips.


Session Details

The content, presenters and topics at Fall Technical Conference.

Informative, interactive, educational.

Beyond Skills: Cultivating Your Workforce

Take a look at the essential components of developing your workforce at all levels to increase productivity and quality.

Doing More with Less

The pioneers of expanded gamut (EG) printing, and current users, describe how EG has enhanced their workflows.

When Less Becomes More!

Meet the team behind the conference print project as they discuss its components and the tools used for proofing and production.

Where Do We Begin?

The print project team examines the starting points, such as creating an EG target profile, process control parameters and overall press consistency.

The Proof Is in the Results

The print project team discusses the conversion tools used for EG, the conversion process and the overall converted results.

The Real Reel

A deep look into the profiles that were used, the data that was generated and the pitfalls the print project team experienced along the way.

2023 FTA Technical Innovation Awards in Action

The recipients of the 2023 FTA Technical Innovation Award reveal how they are continuing to pave the future for the flexographic industry.

3 Cs Before You Go: Calibration, Communication and Control

High-level calibration techniques, color communication resources and tools, and the methods to control your print production.